This committee is appointed annually by the University Faculty Senate. Members include the CHS Program Directors, two faculty members from each program within CHS and two faculty members from the Graduate Studies departments. The Registrar, Dean of Students, and the CHS Dean or designee are ex-officio members without vote.

At the end of each academic year, the committee reviews the recommendations from the individual Student Academic Review Committees and assesses the academic and professional progress and performance of each student. If satisfactory, the committee recommends promotion of the student. In addition, the committee meets each spring, or as needed, to recommend for graduation all students who have satisfactorily completed all degree requirements specified by their program. The committee's recommendations are forwarded to the CHS Dean and the University Faculty Senate for approval. The committee also reviews student appeals of Student Academic Review Committee recommendations. The chairperson of the committee is responsible for submitting minutes of each meeting to the CHS Dean.

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