Selected students who have demonstrated the capacity to successfully manage course work for their primary academic degree, may request to enroll in a second degree program. This can be developed in three difference settings:

  1. Students who are enrolled in one of the Midwestern University (MWU) Master's Degree programs and are accepted into a MWU doctoral degree program on the same campus may elect to complete the master's degree.
  2. Students who wish to pursue a master's degree which is not offered at MWU (may include but not be limited to MBA, MEd) should investigate information about their desired program and set up an appointment to discuss with a Dean's Office representative. Students have a number of options for institutions offering such degrees in the metropolitan area.
  3. Students who wish to apply for a PhD program anywhere in the United States should investigate information about their desired program and set up an appointment to discuss with a Dean's Office representative. Typically, those entering a leave of absence to participate in a PhD program will do so between years three  and four of the DVM program.  

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