Note: The Midwestern University College of Veterinary Medicine reserves the right to alter its curriculum to address evolving college goals and resources.

Total credits first year - 51.5
Total credits second year - 55
Didactic credits third year - 34
Clinical credits third/fourth years - 84

Total for program completion - 224.5

First Year Total: 51.5
Fall Quarter
ANATG 1555 Veterinary Anatomy I Credits: 6
COREG 1560L Interprofessional Healthcare Credits: 0.5
PHYSG 1512 Veterinary Physiology I Credits: 3
VMEDG 1501 Practice of Veterinary Medicine I Credits: 4
VMEDG 1510 Understanding Veterinary Literature Credits: 2
Total 15.5
Winter Quarter 18.5
ANATG 1556 Veterinary Anatomy II Credits: 6
COREG 1570L Interprofessional Healthcare Credits: 0.5
MICRG 1522 Veterinary Immunology Credits: 3
PHYSG 1522 Veterinary Physiology II Credits: 2
VMEDG 1502 Practice of Veterinary Medicine II Credits: 3
VMEDG 1593 Preventative Medicine and Veterinary Public Health Credits: 4
Total 18.5
Spring Quarter 17.5
COREG 1580L Interprofessional Healthcare Credits: 0.5
MICRG 1573 Veterinary Parasitology Credits: 3
PHARG 1560 Veterinary Pharmacology I Credits: 3
PHYSG 1533 Veterinary Physiology III Credits: 4
VMEDG 1503 Practice of Veterinary Medicine III Credits: 3
VMEDG 1520 Clinical Anatomy Credits: 4
VMEDG 1301/1302 Research Elective (optional) Credits: 1
Total 17.5
Second Year Total: 55
Fall Quarter
MICRG 1671 Veterinary Microbiology I Credits: 4
PHARG 1662 Veterinary Pharmacology II and Clinical Anesthesiology Credits: 5
VMEDG 1604 Practice of Veterinary Medicine IV Credits: 3
VMEDG 1641 Veterinary Pathology I Credits: 5
VMEDG 1661 Equine Medicine and Surgery I Credits: 4
Total 21
Winter Quarter 18
MICRG 1672 Veterinary Microbiology II Credits: 3
VMEDG 1605 Practice of Veterinary Medicine V Credits: 3
VMEDG 1635 Diagnostic Imaging Credits: 3
VMEDG 1642 Veterinary Pathology II Credits: 5
VMEDG 1662 Equine Medicine and Surgery II Credits: 4
Total 18
Spring Quarter 16
VMEDG 1606 Practice of Veterinary Medicine VI Credits: 3
VMEDG 1645 Clinical Pathology Credits: 4
VMEDG 1651 Principles of Surgery with Surgery Lab I Credits: 4
VMEDG 1655 Small Animal Medicine and Surgery I Credits: 5
VMEDG 1301/1302 Research Elective (optional) Credits: 1
Total 16
Third Year Fall, Winter Total: 34
Fall Quarter
VMEDG 1300s Required CVM Elective Credits: 2
VMEDG 1709 Practice of Veterinary Medicine IX (1/2 of the class) Credits: 3
VMEDG 1724 Personal Finance for Veterinary Professionals Credits: 2
VMEDG 1748 Clinical Toxicology Credits: 2
VMEDG 1754 Principles of Surgery II Credits: 2
VMEDG 1756 Small Animal Medicine and Surgery II Credits: 5
VMEDG 1766 Farm Animal Medicine I Credits: 4
Total 17/20
Winter Quarter 14/17
VMEDG 1300s Required CVM Elective Credits: 2
VMEDG 1709 Practice of Veterinary Medicine IX (1/2 of the class) Credits: 3
VMEDG 1754 Principles of Surgery II Credits: 2
VMEDG 1757 Small Animal Medicine and Surgery III Credits: 5
VMEDG 1767 Farm Animal Medicine II Credits: 3
VMEDG 1776 Exotic Animal Medicine Credits: 2
Total 14/17

Upon entering the clinical program, students must choose a  clinical track, either small animal or mixed animal. Scheduling of all rotations is directed by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.


 The clinical phase of the curriculum consists of five quarters that run continuously beginning Spring quarter of the third year. During the clinical program, students must complete a total of 84 credits of rotations. This will include  57 credits of required on-campus rotations and 27 credits of elective rotations. In general, blocks are two weeks in length.  However, during certain times when clinic hours are limited, three-week blocks may be used. Students are awarded three credits for each block, regardless of length.

Students have two blocks available for vacation during the clinical program. One occurs over the Winter holidays, and the other will vary, but can only be taken during a 2-week block. Vacation time cannot be scheduled during a required rotation. Time-off requests must follow the policies set forth in the current rotation manual. 

Elective Clinical Courses (Rotations)

To be eligible for academic credit, an externship rotation must be planned with and approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs  (Clinical Education Team).

Clinical Rotations 84
Small Animal Track
VMEDG 1800 On-Campus Clinical Electives Credits: Varied
VMEDG 1801 Small Animal Primary Care Credits: 24
VMEDG 1802 Emergency/ICU Credits: 6
VMEDG 1803 Shelter and Community Medicine Credits: 3
VMEDG 1804 Pathology/Clinical Pathology Credits: 6
VMEDG 1808 Small Animal Internal Medicine Credits: 6
VMEDG 1809 Small Animal Surgery Credits: 6
VMEDG 1810 Anesthesiology Credits: 6
VMEDG 1811 Off-Campus Clinical Electives Credits: Varied
Total 84
Mixed Animal Track 84
VMEDG 1800 On-Campus Clinical Electives Credits: Varied
VMEDG 1802 Emergency/ICU Credits: 6
VMEDG 1803 Shelter and Community Medicine Credits: 3
VMEDG 1804 Pathology/Clinical Pathology Credits: 6
VMEDG 1805 Equine Primary Care Credits: 12
VMEDG 1806 Farm Animal Primary Care Credits: 12
VMEDG 1807 Mixed Track Small Animal Primary Care Credits: 12
VMEDG 1810 Anesthesiology Credits: 6
VMEDG 1811 Off-Campus Clinical Electives Credits: Varied
Total 84


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